
Nancy Peterson |

What to Do If a Borrowed Car Gets Into an Accident

Auto insurance for your own driving and vehicle is one thing, and it’s pretty clear; such insurance covers events that happen while you’re behind the wheel. But what happens when you let your friend or family member drive your car and they get into an accident? Does your insurance still cover them? We’ll answer these questions and more below.


How to Plan Your National Parks Vacation

If you love vacations full of nature and incredible sights, a trip to one or more of our glorious national parks might be just right for you. All across the country, you can experience the land as it once was through the preservation efforts of the National Parks Service.


Second Careers for Adults Over 50

Tom was a 67 year-old retiree who at first enjoyed his new found freedom but Tom soon became bored. And he missed being around people. And a sense of purpose.


How to choose the right kind of refinance for you

When you decide to refinance, you might be surprised that there are many types of refinances from which to choose.


What is a mortgage refinance, in plain English

Refinancing works by giving a homeowner access to a new mortgage loan which replaces the existing one. The details of the new mortgage loan can be customized by the homeowner, include the new loan’s mortgage rate, loan length in years, and amount borrowed.


What is a “Robo Advisor” and Should You Be Using One?

You probably never imagined taking financial advice from a computer program, but that’s exactly what a lot of people are doing these days. These programs are called robo advisors, and the best robo advisors have the potential to help you invest your money more effectively.


Biggest and Best Cruise Ships for 2019

All aboard! The cruise industry in booming with many new ships sailing this summer. Cruise lines are outdoing each other for the biggest and best ships.


Does Health Insurance Cover Alternative Medicine?

Alternative medicine is growing rapidly in popularity, but many of these treatments are still deemed “experimental” and insurance coverage varies widely among states and carriers.


5 Top Tips To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Making your home energy efficient is a worthy goal that every homeowner can achieve. We have tracked down the best in class in multiple categories, bringing you a range of possibilities and price points to fit different approaches and budgets.


How Can Violations Affect Your Auto Insurance?

Getting a huge fine with the traffic violation is financially straining enough. But your auto insurance can also become suddenly more expensive. Let’s go over how traffic violations can affect your auto insurance and what you can do in the event that this happens to you.


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